pühapäev, 21. juuli 2013


Fresh start.  I totally fucked up yesterday. 69,9. Phew. Would have been so fucked emotionally if I saw a figure starting with number7.

So today, had a plan to sleep until around 4pm or so, but my sister woke me up 1pm. Fuck. Just in time for lunch but luckily my brothers ate my part. Managed to not eat until 4am, then ate 2 small cucumbers with garlic, salt and olive oil. Also 3 tomatoes went in with salt.

Had to pick cherries so ate a bit of those. Thornberries and blackcurrants too. Not too much, it was all under control.

Then ate some dinner my dad made, at least part of it, minced meat with zucchini and carrot, one of my favourites so I decided to eat. Didn't take much, instead I filled up my stomach with tomatoes (+basil, garlic, salt and olive oil), not too much oil but I will cut down on this too. At least didn't use any sour cream. Didn't really calculate but 600cal max, can't be more. It's alright because that 1st day is always a hard one and it's Sunday, daddy's at home and cooking all damn time. Hopefully I won't see that devil no7 tomorrow morning. Please don't go up, please don't.

Later I did some workout for my legs and went jogging. I got so tired, had to push myself, but finally finished where I wanted to. I think some 200-300cal burned. 

Tomorrow will be a hard day.. First days are hard and since I didn't get too damn hungry today, it'll probably happen tomorrow. At least paretns won't be home much.

Mommy is making ice cream, too, fucking hard. I keep telling myself if I manage to skip this one then I can skip any ice cream. Few more days, then it's gonna get easier. 

I'm so fat right now it's gross.. Can't wait to be smaller.

H:160cm HW:82,4kg LW:62,8kg CW:69,9kg GW1:61kg

List of my fucking weaknesses - and not eating these until next month -
1. Ice cream (it will be difficult as fuck)
2. Sour cream (will be even more difficult)
3. Wine
4. Actually all alcohol (shouldn't be too hard)
5. Wheat smut
6. Cookies (and pancakes and cakes)
7. Cheese (fuck fuck fuck I need it)
8. Mayonnaise (I know I have to eliminate it, otherwise I will replace sour cream with this shit)
9. Chocolate (in the fridge right now, who the fuck has bought this? Fuck you)
10. Juice (in the fridge and guess who's the fucker who bought it..)

I want to be tiny.
I will be.

1 kommentaar:

  1. Hi hun,
    Just stumbled upon your blog, thought I'd read it from the beginning to get caught up.
